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contact us

Kopelov Cut Stone, Inc. is a family-owned small business located in Bedford, Indiana. We're open M-F from 7 am - 4 pm.

KCS Address and phone number

Picture of Labe KopelovLabe Kopelov
email address

“Architects, engineers, designers, contractors, and individuals may contact me at any time about upcoming projects. I like to be consulted during the design and estimating phases, as my knowledge and experience extend far beyond stone fabrication.” 

This means that I can suggest alternatives and options for new designs and existing stone details. As a project progresses, especially with restoration work, I am always willing to consult with your staff if changes are needed.”

Picture of Kino KopelovKino Kopelov
email address

My inspiration comes from studying ancient and historic architecture, and from the methods and tools used to build these structures. My passion for stonework has taken me to Europe, where I studied stone cutting machinery, quarries, and buildings.

I'm a practical idealist.... I believe that the beauty of hand cut and carved stone enriches the world around us and bolsters the pride of dedicated craftsmen. My hope is that traditional trades will be used for new architecture even in our modern technologically-minded age."

Rae Miller
email address

Office Manager